a city built by engineers.

Engineers create lasting impact on their environment and infrastructure.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “show your work.” Mostly in math class, where teachers want to see how you reached your conclusion—what you did right or where you went wrong. It allows students to learn and grow. For Temple Engineers, it’s the most important part of what we do.

Here, it goes beyond simply showing how we work out a problem (though that’s important, too). Engineering at Temple is where innovation and entrepreneurship meet, and where creativity blooms. Showing our work means anticipating needs and finding the roots of issues in order to make ourselves truly useful. We want to share our work with other colleges by actively engaging with them to solve issues that affect everyone, like clean water and cancer treatment. Our doors are open and—quite literally—transparent, meaning that we encourage curiosity and collaboration, especially as undergraduates. We believe that the earlier you get started, the more time you have to grow.

As engineers, we show our work all over the city and beyond. You’ll see it in parks and buildings, in your car, and on your phone. As an engineer, your future is wide open. As a Temple Engineer, we’ll bring this possibility into focus. Discover what makes the Temple University College of Engineering amazing by reading about just a handful of change-makers that are helping to shape your future.

Meet the Changemakers.

Meet Dr. Anita Singh

Bioengineering Department

Revolutionizing Neonatal Health for a Brighter Future

Dr. Anita Singh is an associate professor in the Bioengineering Department. She also serves as the department chair. In addition to teaching and leading the department, Dr. Singh is the principal investigator of the Neural Injury Biomechanics Laboratory with a research focus on neonatal birthing injuries. 

Dr. Singh’s laboratory explores various aspects of neonatal brachial plexus injury that can occur during complicated birthing scenarios. Brachial plexus nerves control from the shoulder, through the arm to the fingers and connects to the spinal cord. The nerves can become overstretched and damaged during a complicated birthing scenario leading to lifelong complications. 

Funded by grants from organizations including NSF (National Science Foundation) and NIH (National Institute of Health), the Neural Injury Biomechanics Laboratory works on various projects. Currently, Dr. Singh’s team takes data from simulated injuries in large animal models, collaborates with experts from Shriner's Hospital to translate the animal data findings to a human clinic, and then creates computational mathematical models to simulate similar birthing scenarios. The computational models are then studied and used as a tool in minimizing these birthing injuries. 

Dr. Singh is also working towards the widespread use of biofluids to test for injury biomarkers. Currently, patients must wait three to six months to confirm a birthing injury, since some injuries may recover spontaneously. If administered immediately after a complicated birthing scenario, the detection of injury biomarkers would allow for early intervention. 

Her passion for research is equaled by her passion for mentoring young engineers. Dr. Singh employs students of all levels in her laboratory. She encourages undergraduate students to use their research opportunities to help determine the career track they want to pursue and allows graduate and post-doctoral students to take a leadership role in the lab. Even if her students opt to pursue a career in industry over research, she believes the experiences they learn in lab will serve them well in any career path. 

Alongside mentoring students in the lab, Dr. Singh provides support to bioengineering students and is the faculty advisor to Temple’s student group, the Biomedical Engineering Society. She also coordinates research internships and hosts summer program interns. 

In the classroom, Dr. Singh centers her teaching around a project and problem-based learning approach for hands-on experience. Staying up to date on classroom and teaching innovations as an educator is crucial, which is why she is constantly developing innovative tools to enhance the student learning experience. Her current innovation focus is VR (virtual reality). 

Using VR in the classroom would allow students to virtually experience work in a research lab before ever physically setting foot in one. These simulation labs can create an environment where students of different can work together alongside healthcare professionals. VR research experience could boost student confidence and push them towards pursuing valuable in-person research experiences.  

Students are at the center of Dr. Singh’s work. She strives to prepare and guide young engineers to achieve their career goals and works tirelessly to enhance women representation in STEM. 

With over 13 years of teaching experience and over two decades in the bioengineering field, an NSF Career Award, and Chair of the 2022 Bio Medical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Dr. Singh brings a plethora of experience to the College of Engineering. 


Meet Dr. Gangadhar Andaluri

Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Eliminating Water Pollution for a Cleaner Future

Dr. Gangadhar Andaluri is an Assistant Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department in the College of Engineering at Temple University. In addition to teaching, he leads the Thermal Technologies Laboratory and serves as the faculty advisor for the Society of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (SEES). 

Dr. Andaluri’s research focuses on water and wastewater; how contaminants are being introduced into the freshwater supply, the effects that chemicals can have on freshwater, and treatment methods for contaminated water. The contaminants that he focuses on are PFAS (per- and poly fluoroalkyl substances), or forever chemicals, microplastics, and antibiotics. All these contaminants enter bodies of water in different ways and have different effects on water quality. The overall goal of Andaluri’s research is to gain an understanding of water pollution as well as developing water treatment methods to remove these chemicals.   

In addition to researching how PFAS get into and are transported through the water supply, Andaluri takes water samples to determine the levels of PFAS in certain bodies of water and completes assessments to determine how much risk is present if someone is exposed to the level of PFAS in bodies of water. Andaluri then experiments with water treatment processes such as supercritical wet oxidation which involves heating a water sample under pressure to remove chemicals from the water.    

Microplastics is also a main portion of Andaluri’s research. As plastics take a long time to break down, plastic products often become trapped in the water system and break apart into smaller pieces, becoming microplastics. This can come from plastic bags, water bottles, and other plastic materials that make their way into the water system. 

The majority of Andaluri’s research takes place in the Delaware River. Recently, his team submitted their research report on microplastics in the Delaware River to the Delaware Basin Commission. After reviewing the data, the Commission organized a cleanup event. Around 50-60 contractor bags of littered plastic were collected and removed from the areas surrounding the river. Organized cleanups are a crucial part of ensuring that plastics don’t break down into microplastics in water bodies. Dr. Andaluri also completes local cleanups with Temple’s SEES club.  

Dr. Andaluri will soon begin work on another body of water in Philadelphia, the Schuylkill River. He recently received a grant from the Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center to conduct research on the concentration of PFAS in the Schuylkill. This will be his first project in a freshwater source. 

Having earned his PhD and working as a senior lab manager and postdoctoral fellow at the College of Engineering before becoming a professor, Andaluri is heavily invested in the success of Temple students. Dr. Andaluri also employs undergraduate students in his lab, providing them with hands-on experience. With his teaching methods he believes in laying the foundation for lifelong learning and strives to help students not just learn material but foster critical thinking skills that will serve them far beyond the classroom. 

Meet Dr. Thomas Edwards

Engineering, Technology & Management Department

Engineering the Leaders of Tomorrow

Dr. Thomas Edwards is chair of the Engineering, Technology, and Management department, overseeing the department’s curriculum and teaching a handful of graduate and undergraduate courses at the College of Engineering. With decades of professional engineering and management experience, including 10 years as the general manager of a publicly traded company, Dr. Edwards strives to provide his students with the skills they need to become effective leaders in the engineering field and beyond. 

After graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, he began the first half of his career as an aerospace engineer where he worked on projects such as the Thiokol Star 6B rocket motor and the tele-operator retrieval system. His first job as a Chief Engineer was at GE (General Electric), developing a guided projectile to defend Navy ships from missile attacks. Dr. Edwards cites his early work on these high-pressure projects as unknowingly preparing him for his future career in management. 

His first experience leading a team came at GE, where he led a team of approximately 20 people of various disciplines such as aerodynamics and fire control software, to name a few. Managing individuals of different disciplines proved to be excellent practice in honing leadership skills for Dr. Edwards. As his team approached him with issues in the project, he guided them towards a solution, even if the issue was outside of his realm of mechanical engineering expertise. His passion for effective leadership led him to his next role as general manager of the Air Pollution Control Division at Met-Pro Corporation. 

Having already earned an MBA and master's in mechanical engineering, he pursued his management doctorate while simultaneously working full-time to develop a Corporate New Product Development Group. Working as the new product manager while obtaining his doctorate allowed Dr. Edwards to put the theory he was studying into practice at a publicly traded company; an invaluable experience.  

Already teaching as an adjunct professor part-time as he finished his doctorate, Dr. Edwards leaned into his new passion for teaching and student success and pursued a full-time career in teaching at Temple University College of Engineering. 

Originally hired to run the Engineering Management program, Dr. Edwards developed a proposal to establish the Engineering, Technology, and Management program, serving as the department chair since its inception. He now teaches two graduate courses and the undergraduate engineering entrepreneurship course.  

Dr. Edwards takes pride in the rapport he develops with his students, encouraging students to contact him with any workplace problems they have even after graduating.  

While the leadership skills he imparts on his students will propel them through their mid-career, he provides them with the tools they need to start the journey from day one of their first job. 

In addition to his full-time position at the College of Engineering, Dr. Edwards is an advocate for effective leadership of neuro-divergent employees with a focus on how leaders can change their approach to make employment more accessible for autistic individuals. He has published a book and given a Ted Talk on the topic. 

Taking from his own successful career in industry and his experience in various academic programs, Dr. Edwards strives to shape his students today into the effective and inclusive leaders of tomorrow. 

Listen to Tom's Ted Talk here:

Meet Dr. Iyad Obeid

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Machine Learning for the Healthcare System

Dr. Iyad Obeid is an associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to teaching, Dr. Obeid conducts research with a focus on neural and biomedical system processing. Additionally, he serves as Temple’s university-wide faculty liaison for NSF’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps), promoting entrepreneurship in the STEM fields. 

Dr. Obeid’s current research project, with fellow College of Engineering faculty member Dr. Joseph Picone, focuses on training artificial intelligence (AI) for pathology, specifically the detection of breast cancer cells. The team teaches AI to flag the presence of breast cancer cells through the identification of patterns.   

Dr. Obeid’s lab introduces AI to existing pathology images with and without breast cancer cells present. The pathology report images are comprised of billions of pixels. The team teaches AI which pixels are important, highlighting the pixels that make up breast cancer cells. Over time, AI will identify and recognize the pattern and gain the ability to flag the potential presence of breast cancer cells. 

Alongside machine learning, the main goal of Dr. Obeid’s project is quicker medical intervention for the patient.  Currently, reading and processing pathology reports takes a significant amount of time due to volume. Implementing a trained AI into this process would allow the AI to flag reports with breast cancer cells present and bump them up for a pathologist to review. Quicker detection allows medical professionals to develop and implement a treatment plan sooner, potentially saving lives. 

Recently funded by the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition, Dr. Obeid and his team are working on this project with pathologists at Temple Hospital and Fox Chase Cancer Center, meeting several times a year to ensure the project will practically meet the needs of practicing pathologists. Additionally, pathologists teach Dr. Obeid’s student workers on how to label pathology slides to train the AI. 

Student participation is crucial to the success of Dr. Obeid’s research projects. He and Dr. Picone currently employ 30 undergraduate and five graduate students to work on their breast cancer research project. They ensure that students contribute to their projects in meaningful ways and have a true impact on the result. 

While in-class instruction is imperative for a strong foundation in engineering, Dr. Obeid finds the true purpose of college can be found in hands-on experiences outside of the classroom. Completing projects and participating in research labs allow students to gain experience and impact their field of study before they graduate. 

 As Dr. Obeid finds his own research as a cross between the machine learning field and healthcare, in his role as Faculty Liaison for I-Corps he helps students across the university develop the skill and pursue funding to take their products to market. Having received an I-Corps grant earlier in his career, Dr. Obeid guides students looking to pursue the same path and connects them with resources to help.  

During his 18 years at the College of Engineering, Dr. Obeid received the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award and an NSF CAREER Award. Combining his love of research and teaching students allows Dr. Obeid to pursue his own passions while guiding students towards theirs. 

Meet Dr. Mohammad Kiani

Mechanical Engineering Department

Trailblazing Drug Research for Next-Generation Treatments

Dr. Mohammad Kiani is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering with a secondary appointment in Bioengineering. Outside of the College of Engineering, he has another secondary appointment at the Katz School of Medicine in the Department of Radiation Oncology. Dr. Kiani has been at the College of Engineering for 20 years, sharing his interdisciplinary expertise with students in the classroom and in his research laboratory. 

Having received degrees in electrical engineering, bioengineering, and completing a post-doctoral fellowship in biophysics, Dr. Kiani has a wealth of experience in multiple engineering disciplines. He has expertise in biofluid mechanics and is currently developing and using novel organ-on-chip (OOC) systems. 

OOC is a multi-cell culture system that reproduces components of human tissue on a chip and can model certain organs and organ systems. This technology is used to better understand how organs work at the cellular level and for drug development and screening. During the drug approval process, the FDA now allows the use of data from OOC testing to be used in lieu of animal studies. Not only is the use of OOC more humane, but it also allows scientists to see how human cells react to candidate drugs in the early stages of testing, as sometimes drugs developed and tested in animals models function differently in humans. 

Dr. Kiani uses OOC technology in several studies. One of his studies includes the development of a “tumor on chip” to study how lung cancer cells cross the blood-brain barrier to metastasize to the brain to develop better treatments for this deadly disease. 

His current work with OOC technology spurred off his previous work in targeted drug delivery. Targeted drug delivery has come a long way since Dr. Kiani first began his work in the field in the 90s. Many medications now come in nano-capsules, for example, with biomarkers guiding them to release the drug in parts of the body where it is needed most.  He is now using OOC models to design targeted drug delivery systems for optimal release. 

Outside of his research, Dr. Kiani has prioritized giving back to the community. In 2001, alongside his colleague Dr. Robert Malkin, he co-founded Engineering World Health. With help from engineering interns, Engineering World Health at one point delivered engineering support and infrastructure to underserved medical clinics in 13 different countries in Central America and Africa. Their work paired students with hospitals in small, underserved communities and trained technicians to work at their local hospitals. Dr. Kiani previously served as the president of Engineering World Health and was on its board of directors for several decades. 

Dr. Kiani has also served as a fellow of the American Heart Association (AHA) for over 20 years. He has received significant funding from the AHA during his career, served on several AHA advisory panels and led their effort to better fund bioengineering research. 

Dr. Kiani’s interdisciplinary background has benefited engineering students for decades. He's taught a varied array of courses including undergraduate, graduate, and general education courses and has even co-taught a course in philosophy. He currently supports a well-staffed lab of graduate and undergraduate students and post-doctoral fellows. He believes that if a person is committed and passionate about what they do, they will be able to do good work with significant implications for people around the world.

Meet Dr. Karin Wang

Bioengineering Department

Cellular-Level Research for Large Scale Impact 

Dr. Karin Wang is an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, covering three courses at the College of Engineering in addition to serving as Principal Investigator of the interdisciplinary Cell and Matrix Mechanobiology Lab.   

With a mechanobiology focus, Dr. Wang’s research includes principles from tissue engineering, biomaterials science, soft matter physics, and cell biology. Her lab uses interdisciplinary approaches to understand how physical forces regulate cell-matrix interactions, with a particular focus on fibronectin structure-function and its impact in wound repair, fibrosis, and cancer metastasis. 

One of Dr. Wang’s research areas, some of which have been published in Biomaterials in 2015 and Matrix Biology in 2017, focuses on the interaction between breast cancer paracrine-signaling factors, nearby cells, and fibronectin matrices. As breast cancer cells release paracrine-signaling factors, nearby stromal cells sense these factors from the tumor, change phenotype, and alter how they assemble fibronectin matrices to aid in cancer cell escape from the primary tumor.  Dr. Wang and her team created in vitro models of this process to investigate how tumors recruit nearby cells to assemble an altered fibronectin matrix to drive tumor progression and metastasis. Dr. Wang’s fundamental research on how tumor impacted cells assemble fibronectin lays the groundwork for future cancer research and potential treatment options. 

Dr. Wang continues to actively research this topic, as well as how fibronectin isoforms regulate wound repair and fibrosis, within the Cell and Matrix Mechanobiology Lab at the College of Engineering. Dr. Wang hosts multiple graduate and undergraduate students in her lab, all working on various facets of these research areas, ranging from fabricating microscope compatible strain devices, to bioengineering cell-derived matrices and fibronectin probes, to evaluating cell migration dynamics from time-lapse microscopy images.   

Mentoring students in their pursuit of STEM is incredibly important to Dr. Wang. As a first-generation student that received her bachelor's degrees from a public university that laid the foundation for her to pursue a doctoral degree, she understands the barriers that exist in STEM and seeks to mentor students in pursuit of their goals. Dr. Wang recently hosted a group of high school students in her lab as part of a summer internship program with Heights Philadelphia, providing an opportunity for local students to gain insight into what their future in the STEM field could look like. Dr. Wang has mentored dozens of individuals ranging from high school to doctoral graduate students. 

Meet Dr. Julie Drzymalski

Engineering, Technology & Management Department

Tackling Human-Centered Crises

Dr. Julie Drzymalski is a Professor of Instruction and Director of the Industrial and Systems Engineering program. Her teaching and research interests lie at the crossroads of operations research and systems modeling. Her current research pursuits involve applications of social systems modeling to tackle human-centered crises. 

As a Professor of Instruction, Dr. Drzymalski works with students and guides them through the research process. In a recent project, she led a senior design team in evaluating the human-centered crisis of Housing Insecurity in Philadelphia. In this year-long project, her senior design team developed a model to accurately predict the number of housing insecure individuals in Philadelphia based on demographics and social, political, and environmental factors. Students then used this model to determine root causes to guide the ideal placement of resources in the city to lessen housing insecurity. Models such as this can be used to advise public policy in determining the most effective way to implement public resources and allocate funding. 

In their research, Dr. Drzymalski and her students evaluated not only model of system dynamics literature, but also social science literature, which is not typically done in engineering research. Dr. Drzymalski incorporates methods, such as this type of cross-disciplinary research, to provide social context to industrial and systems engineering principles taught in the classroom. 

Student success is crucial to Dr. Drzymalski. How students learn is just as important to her as what students learn. Dr. Drzymalski was part of the College of Engineering's inter-departmental collaboration team that led a workshop on reframing academic rigor to set students up for success in and beyond the classroom.  

With a well-rounded engineering background, Dr. Drzymalski pulls from her combined industry and research experience in supply chain robustness and modeling of sociotechnical systems to provide insight into a field facing unprecedented challenges. Her industrial experience includes various quality engineering, project and program management positions in the construction related industries of the greater Philadelphia and New York City area.  

She is a fellow of the American Society of Engineering Management, a Governor of the Order of the Engineer, and an active member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Dr. Drzymalski teaches and mentors undergraduate students in eight courses in the College of Engineering. 

Hear more from Julie and her impact here:

Meet Dr. Cory Budischak

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Engineering a 100% Renewable Future 

Dr. Cory Budischak is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. In addition to teaching, his professional pursuits focus on the transition to 100% renewable energy and what this energy system would look like if implemented. Dr. Budischak has moved from research to using his knowledge in advocacy work and policy implementation for state and national impact. 

Dr. Budischak recently joined the Energy Efficiency and Electrification working group of Delaware's Governor's Energy Advisory Council (GEAC). The GEAC has set a goal to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 and eliminate emissions entirely by 2050. Dr. Budischak's working group examines "current energy efficiency programs, transportation electrification, electric vehicles, building electrification, reliability and other topics raised by members". Through each meeting, this group will be working towards policy implementation in the state of Delaware. 

In considering emissions, Dr. Budischak thinks of the energy system as a whole, as opposed to segmenting energy systems based on type. An example he proposed to the working group was electric vehicle expansion. Emissions will be reduced as electric vehicles become more popular. In addition, electric vehicles can also make renewable energy less expensive by scheduling charging when sunlight or wind are most abundant. Dr. Budischak believes that considering the energy system as a whole is the most productive and cost-effective way to reduce emissions. 

In addition to his advocacy work, Dr. Budischak is passionate about effective engineering instruction/support and consistently implements these practices in the classroom. He incorporates problem-based learning, flipping the classroom, design thinking, and teaching through interactive games to reach students who may not have been reached by traditional lectures. In 2023, Dr. Budischak was part of the College of Engineering’s inter-departmental collaboration team that led a workshop on reframing academic rigor to set students up for success in and beyond the classroom. He covers seven undergraduate courses in the College of Engineering, including the first engineering course all students must take: Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technology. Dr. Budischak’s passion for decarbonizing the energy system provides a forward-thinking viewpoint to his instruction, as he helps his students look towards a future that examines the ramifications of energy production in addition to the production itself. 

As a first-generation college graduate, supporting similar students through their college journey is of the utmost importance to Dr. Budischak. Having recently received a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation alongside Dr. Shawn Fagan (pictured, right), Dr. Budischak helped to establish and run the Temple Sustainable Temple Energy and Power Scholars (STEPS) program. The STEPS program provides support to low-income, high-achieving students interested in electrical engineering. Students in this program gain access to scholarships and mentors throughout their undergraduate experience. Still in its first year, Dr. Budischak looks forward to seeing the positive results from STEPS and helping other schools to develop similar programs. 

Meet Dr. Elham Sahraei

Mechanical Engineering Department

Partnering Innovation with Safety 

Dr. Elham Sahraei is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Her research focuses on the mechanical safety of lithium-ion batteries under extreme loading conditions. This research extends to full-scale vehicle crash analysis, occupant protection, and analysis of roadside safety structures.  

In addition to teaching five graduate and undergraduate courses in the College of Engineering, Dr. Sahraei is the director of the Electric Vehicle Safety Lab (EVSL). The EVSL focuses on improving safety through the investigation of mechanical characteristics of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Dr. Sahraei has had several research sponsors over the years, including the Office of Naval Research, Stellantis, Ansys, and Caresoft. These sponsors play a major role in the electric vehicle industry and rely heavily on research like Dr. Sahraei’s to improve the safety of their vehicles.  

Dr. Sahraei and the EVSL use a combination of live crash tests as well as computer modeling to simulate how the lithium-ion battery reacts in various crash scenarios. In an electric vehicle crash, there is the risk of fire, explosion, or the release of electrolyte in battery acid. In simulating these crash scenarios, Dr. Sahraei and her team then develop computer models of these vehicles. Companies then use these models when developing their electric vehicles to predict failure in case of a crash, and to hopefully prevent these catastrophic events from occurring. Dr. Sahraei’s research has a direct impact on the development of the quickly expanding electric vehicle industry.  

Dr. Sahraei recently received a donation and funding from Caresoft and the Office of Naval Research, respectively, that has created a new line of research for Dr. Sahraei and her students. Caresoft donated a database made up of vehicle models and vehicle data, including fully characterized vehicles. With the cost of developing a vehicle approaching over a million dollars, this donation is a huge development for the EVSL. The funding and partnership from the Office of Naval Research provides Dr. Sahraei’s students with opportunities to complete internships and work experiences with the Navy to further their research. Additionally, the project with the Office of Naval Research allows Dr. Sahraei and her faculty partners to validate the Sahraei Failure Criterion. 

Having researched lithium-ion batteries within electric vehicles for over 14 years, Dr. Sahraei has been a part of the industry from its early beginnings and has seen the industry go from one with little interest, and even disregard, to a rush on research and development as countries around the world pass legislation implementing the use of electric vehicles.